Offtopic - how the bussiness goes

02 Nov 2017 11:04 #5686 por Alexandr
Offtopic - how the bussiness goes Publicado por Alexandr
So. In 2012 me and my friend Pups realized that we have enough .oney to buy Gazel and to distribute the bread and fish and ice cream from Novus to small dark shops. So the first race was with topic Which discount should we place. Pups said -15. And please calculate if we have the road going and 2 tonnas Gazel. We decided if our business would be reseĺled Yanukovich would a multimillionaire.
To be continued....
08 Nov 2017 17:39 #5690 por Alexandr
Respuesta de Alexandr sobre el tema Offtopic - how the bussiness goes
Then after 3 months we decided to give Anna the discount with -30 percent. Then Pups said that we for both of us would have 500 bucks per month. Not very perfect - and started to shout to each other. 
To be continued. 
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Gracias a Foro Kunena