Responder: Street Legal Racing Redline

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Historial del Tema: Street Legal Racing Redline

Mostrando los últimos 6 mensajes - (Últimos primero)

  • Pedro95GT-AleanzaWorks-PT
  • Avatar de Pedro95GT-AleanzaWorks-PT
06 Oct 2015 10:55
Street Legal Racing Redline

Cusco vou mandar-te aquilo no face....

  • Tiago
06 Oct 2015 10:52
Street Legal Racing Redline

ahah :P

  • Pedro95GT-AleanzaWorks-PT
  • Avatar de Pedro95GT-AleanzaWorks-PT
06 Oct 2015 10:51
Street Legal Racing Redeline

Ai está ele o "Cusco" da SLRR-PT e Aleanza :v

  • Tiago
06 Oct 2015 10:26
Street Legal Racing Redeline

thanks, is true, the game give alot of bugs and errors and the driving is bad but still alot of fun because of the possibilities

  • tt
  • Avatar de tt
06 Oct 2015 10:22
Street Legal Racing Redeline

Great models!!! Good job.

We used to play this game long time ago but it still it's so fun on tunning and changing parts of the car.

Here we was talking about it:

Regards, tt.

  • Tiago
06 Oct 2015 10:16
Street Legal Racing Redline

So i play a game called SLRR here and wanted to show my work and get to know the game well

are all mods done for me
ps:the ej2 is the ej8 and eg6 from forza and I joined the two

6k from gta it gt tdi kit modeled by me

Golf MK4 from forza

gol g1 it 3 versions converted by me from gta

and now my favorite mods, golf mk2 and mk3

Tiempo de carga de la página: 0.165 segundos
Gracias a Foro Kunena