Responder: 2 requests

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Historial del Tema: 2 requests

Mostrando los últimos 6 mensajes - (Últimos primero)

  • Erduson
  • Avatar de Erduson
07 Nov 2023 15:40
2 requests

no problem, don't forget to update all logos to 2023 modern car logos, because modern car mods are also coming for racer.

  • tt
  • Avatar de tt
06 Nov 2023 19:45
2 requests

1. Update the Dacia category logo to the newest 2023 logo DONE!
2. Add a Tesla category ALSO DONE!! Waiting to test that model!!

Also some fixing on categories and some stuff. Thanks a lot for reporting.

  • Erduson
  • Avatar de Erduson
10 Sep 2023 17:28
2 requests

I have 2 requests for this website
1. Update the Dacia category logo to the newest 2023 logo
and 2. Add a Tesla category, I almost finished converting a Tesla, I know that the Others category exists, but since Tesla is a very well known car brand it should have its own category served in this server.

Tiempo de carga de la página: 0.135 segundos
Gracias a Foro Kunena