Tips for publishing contents of Racer

15 Jul 2015 20:29 - 18 Jul 2015 22:01 #761 por tt
Here are a few tips to make your uploads get to more people!!:

(TITLE) (year)

(version: xxx) (TESTED OK: xxx)
- Remove all the info: speedo, time, map...
(Push Ctrl+V (speedo), Ctrl-G (gear), F1 (time), F4 (mirror), F6 (map)
- Apply antialiasing and all the Racer smoothing options, pics looks way better.

- You can't publish, modify or use any part of existing cars without permission of the original author. This include conversions for another games.
- Any content in this situation will be deleted and the user warned, resulting in ban if it happens again.

- People don't like unreal engines, low quality models, not working gauges, so unfinished models or conversions are not good. Take your time, do it your best, and if you know how to do something, ask in the forum, many cars / tracks are made by 4 o 5 users!

Will update this. Anyway, here you can ask all about good downloads published! :)
Última Edición: 18 Jul 2015 22:01 por tt.
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Priban, rncg
15 Jul 2015 20:33 - 15 Jul 2015 20:40 #762 por Priban
Respuesta de Priban sobre el tema Tips for publishing contents of Racer
I have one tip too... if you have Nvidia graphics card, set better graphics in Nvidia settings,
antialiasing 8x etc... :)
Thanks admin to tips :)
Última Edición: 15 Jul 2015 20:40 por Priban.
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: tt, rncg
15 Jul 2015 20:46 #763 por tt
Respuesta de tt sobre el tema Tips for publishing contents of Racer

Priban escribió: I have one tip too... if you have Nvidia graphics card, set better graphics in Nvidia settings,
antialiasing 8x etc... :)
Thanks admin to tips :)

You can try it on ATI cards too!!! Some don't support it and show it bad but you can try it! :D
15 Jul 2015 20:55 #764 por Priban
Respuesta de Priban sobre el tema Tips for publishing contents of Racer
I set anisotropic filtering at 16, and anti-aliasing on 16xQ CSAA
But both my returns automatically to 4x :(
18 Jul 2015 21:57 #839 por tt
Respuesta de tt sobre el tema Tips for publishing contents of Racer
Updated with permissions. Just deleted "Citroen Berlingo HDi" from the site, because his author said to do it. Please publish only authorized conversions and models, please.

18 Jul 2015 22:11 - 18 Jul 2015 22:21 #840 por Priban
Respuesta de Priban sobre el tema Tips for publishing contents of Racer
Admin, i have one question. If I want to convert the car from GTA San Andreas, it means that I have to ask the author of his car, or i must write him in to description under car ?

Edit: Because I was remodeling the car completely rebuilded in ZModeler, see my W123 pullman 300D
On the W126, I was need to be rebuilt label, there were tag 560 SEC
Or on the W124 300E I've added 4Matic, E 300, SportLine, Signals on sides etc ...
And I have to ask the author of car If I remodel it?
Última Edición: 18 Jul 2015 22:21 por Priban.
18 Jul 2015 22:19 - 18 Jul 2015 22:20 #841 por tt
Respuesta de tt sobre el tema Tips for publishing contents of Racer

Priban escribió: Admin, i have one question. If I want to convert the car from GTA San Andreas, it means that I have to ask the author of his car, or i must write him in to description under car ?

Many times the original authors write in their cars readmes texts like "Do not publish, modify or use it without permission". This ones please contact it, explain what you want to do and he will respond to you for sure.

Cars/tracks that don't have author/contact data may be published but take in mind if he contact us for deleting it, will be deleted. Think always it's important write original data author.

Hope that you understand :)
Última Edición: 18 Jul 2015 22:20 por tt.
18 Jul 2015 22:19 #842 por Orges
Respuesta de Orges sobre el tema Tips for publishing contents of Racer
hey priban,,if u ar asking about the citroen is uploaded today don't worry,,i've maked a new one for the version,,tomorrow i'l upload it,,,is like the citroen in this site but passenger, not cargo
18 Jul 2015 22:25 #843 por Priban
Respuesta de Priban sobre el tema Tips for publishing contents of Racer

tt escribió:

Priban escribió: Admin, i have one question. If I want to convert the car from GTA San Andreas, it means that I have to ask the author of his car, or i must write him in to description under car ?

Many times the original authors write in their cars readmes texts like "Do not publish, modify or use it without permission". This ones please contact it, explain what you want to do and he will respond to you for sure.

Cars/tracks that don't have author/contact data may be published but take in mind if he contact us for deleting it, will be deleted. Think always it's important write original data author.

Hope that you understand :)

Ok, So when I upload the car i must write the original author under it, so it will be okay?
18 Jul 2015 22:26 - 18 Jul 2015 22:27 #844 por Priban
Respuesta de Priban sobre el tema Tips for publishing contents of Racer
No, I'm worried about my car conversion :D
Última Edición: 18 Jul 2015 22:27 por Priban.
Tiempo de carga de la página: 0.196 segundos
Gracias a Foro Kunena