
Blender DOF File Exporter
DOF exporter for 3DS 2009 to 2012 by AleanzaWorks-PT
Made by "Racer" producers and came with all Racer V0.9.0 RC Series
DOF files importer by AleanzaWorks-PT
Works in 3DS MAX 2009 to 2012
I'm sorry but I don't remember the Name of "WHO MADE IT"
Steering Wheels Controllers for Racer by AleanzaWorks-PT
For V0.6.5.5 to V0.8.4.4
Those are made by the "Racer" producers and you can find it in all Racer V0.9.0 series
Extract those "ini" to (Racer; Data; Controls)
Controllers for...
Logitech G25
Logitech G27
Logitech Momo Racing
Logitech Wingman Attack 2
Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP
MS Sidewinder
Thrustmaster F1 Force Feddback Wheel
Updates to this little program include:
-x86 support for those of us that do not run x64 systems (that was a my bad really)
-Now able to enable/disable the in-game menu.
-Added a small help menu (includes a dev log for those that like to read)
-Added support for *.exe files being run through the Options button (previous version only supported *.jar and *.bat)
-Qlog viewer now seperates INFO, WARN, and FATAL tags, simply click the button for what you want to view. (originally I wanted colored text, but that proved to be crashy on bigger Qlog files)
-Added the ability to name a folder misc_variants instead of just other_variants.
-And to me the biggest win, Added support to run Raven 2 outside of the Racer folder, now it can be put where ever you like.
In the help menu and readme you'll find how to use this program. If you are unsure of how this program works.
Raven was originally created by Oliver Pieper in 2003 for Racer, as a lap time database, and configuration utility. What I am labeling as the 2.0 version, actually loses a wealth of features (at least for now). While sharing the same name and images as the original tool, nothing else is shared with the original version of Raven. But while it loses some features, it gains some that are possibly more useful, mostly just having the ability to better categorize all variants.
Note: If you have cars that worked with Raven NO changes are necessary to work with this program.
This is now an old version of the program, Download the latest here.
6 sounds of renault engines, here is the list:
On Indirect-Injection:
2.1 dT
2.2 dT
On Injection-Pump:
1.9 dTi
On Common-Rail:
1.5 dCi
1.9 dCi
2.2 dCi
Some sound was in old pack but now they are very much improved and all of them has been tested before
-Big pack with 30 exact sounds
-I will do in parts because of the big size of the archive
-Check readme before use the sound, it will be a help for you :)