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Mercedes-Benz W126 560Sel US-Special Mercedes-Benz W126 560Sel US-Special (version: 0655 - fixed) HOT

(9 votes)

8 cylinders, 5491 cc, 300 hp at 5200 RPM, 455Nm at 3750 RPM

Changeable wheels (3 types of wheels)

PS: I am happy from this car, because my first car to racer was w126 too, but now it is more better and more real and the most important whing is, that this is the USA Version.

Version  0655 - fixed  Downloads  1,382 
Size  13.25 MB  Created  Martes, 12 Abril 2016 20:28 
    Changed  Sábado, 14 Mayo 2016 15:41 
    Created by  Priban 
    Changed by  Priban 
Author  Model: Falkrum | Converted: Priban     



+1 #2 Priban 15-04-2016 19:29
Cito a Fabikan75:
He cant do higher 5000 rpm. He have bmw sounds, old sounds (with your first w 126 was amazing).And he is very big. Have 6 meters. :-)

I will create update and reupload this, i will fix RPM, sounds too and i will repair dimensions like real :) and i will upload it today
0 #1 Fabikan75 14-04-2016 22:49
He cant do higher 5000 rpm. He have bmw sounds, old sounds (with your first w 126 was amazing).And he is very big. Have 6 meters. :-)

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